How I was trained by the world's greatest Healer, Joseph Corvo

If you have time, please read the story below of how I was introduced to Joseph Corvo, the world's greatest ever Zone Therapist and Reflexologist (though he didn't see himself as a Reflexologist for reasons which will be explained below). Princess Diana, Royalty, actors and celebrities would be regular visitors to Joe in the 1990s.

Joseph Corvo, the world's greatest Zone Therapist, Healer to Princess Diana

In 1991, I was studying law at the University of Westminster in London, England. I was young, energetic, ambitious, determined…. and cursed with the worst back pain imaginable.  

My back pain had started a couple of years earlier. I cannot remember the exact time but it was when I started weight training and lifting heavy weights in the gym. This coincided with a job in the summer washing cars which required a great deal of bending at odd angles. I think the final straw was one evening when I pushed a car that had broken down and the owner was a rather beautiful woman. I was so charitable in those days! 

After that, my back was never the same. I had pain almost all the time and it would be so bad that some days I would just want to stay in bed and not move - though staying in bed was not helping either!  I assume you are on this site because you or someone close to you suffers from a health condition, maybe even back pain.

As a fellow ex back-pain sufferer I can truly tell you that I feel your pain (or rather I did!). I was there and it really is one of the worst pains in the world - if there is any kind of good pain! That constant dull, aching, annoying, crippling pain. If you are lucky, you may get it periodically and then it somehow goes away and if you are unlucky, it is always there. For some, it means you cannot live your life as you deserve.  Back pain comes in many shapes and forms from upper back/neck pain, to lower back pain which can go into the legs in the form of sciatica or compressed nerve. Many people get problems with their legs, hips, nerves and worse, some cannot move or walk or basically, enjoy life. 

The route to a so-called cure in the traditional sense is pretty much the same for most people. They visit their doctor and they are offered pain killers, anti-inflammatories, physiotherapy, corticosteroid injection, massage, osteopathy and even surgery. Luck being on your side, one or more of these methods will offer you temporary, semi-permanent or even permanent relief. For many people, back-ache becomes part of their life and they just cannot break the cycle of pain and get back to how they used to be. Even if it goes away for a while, it often comes back. Many people just cope and learn to live with it.

That’s a shame as back pain can be fixed in 99% of cases with Zone Therapy. I went through the whole lot, short of surgery. Even in those days when my knowledge was next to zero, I knew I didn’t want to have surgery on my back. I had anti inflammatory pills, I went to see several physiotherapists, I had massage, I had acupuncture, I eventually had a corticosteroid injection in my spine. Nothing worked.  By 1991, I had pretty much gotten used to living a life with constant back pain. I hadn’t stopped searching for a cure but with lack of money, needing to study and the Internet not having been born, there was not a huge deal I could have done. I went to University and tried to cope with my back pain as best as I could.   The human body has a remarkable ability to “cope”. I don’t want you to cope. I want you to get well and that’s why I have started this site. With my teachings, you can go on and live your life as it was planned for you and enjoy everything the way you imagined before your health condition - I am not saying I can cure any health condition obviously; just saying I can most certainly help you. 

One of the women in my law class was a very interesting doctor. Her name was Anna and she was about 10 years older than me. One day we were talking about various things and somehow my back pain got into the conversation. In addition to being a doctor, she was very knowledgeable on a great deal of things and seemed to be very well connected to “high society”. She was also very eccentric and a real character! 

Anna told me to go and see a man named Joseph Corvo. 
“He will fix your back”, she said.   It’s funny but I remember her saying this as if it was yesterday. Now, I know that when she said it, she actually believed that sentence to be true and a promise that was 100% genuine. At the time, I probably thought the same as what most people would think when someone tells them this. I was skeptical and took her promise and certainty with a pinch of salt - a big pinch!
 When I met Joseph Corvo, the therapist to celebrities  and Royalty Joseph Corvo (Joe) is probably in the top 2 of the most interesting people I have so far met in my life. As a serial entrepreneur and someone with a lot of connections, I have met a huge amount of interesting people. To say that Joe is still in the top 2 is really saying something!

He was a Yorkshire man who had been an opera singer and somehow got into Zone Therapy and found that he had a knack for it. I would call it more than a knack. Some people are truly gifted. I would say Joseph Corvo was a healer. I don’t mean the hocus-pocus type. He was very knowledgeable, knew how to apply his knowledge accurately, knew human psychology, was charming, had an obvious vast amount of experience in his field and was extremely positive. This amazing positivity comes from the person’s inner core as well as the success of that person in their past endeavours - i.e. their experiences. I know about it as I also possess a similar temperament.

When you have done something so many times and been successful at it, you will be very positive and can afford to come across as over-confident. As far as I am concerned (and probably Joe) the client/patient’s skepticism is “their” problem, not the therapist’s!  I get it. It is a big leap for most people to think that their long term, chronic back pain or other health condition which no doctor seems to alleviate is going to magically disappear with a few sessions of Zone Therapy on their feet! I was just as skeptical prior to experiencing it for myself; believe me. This is why I am going into some depth in this chapter of when I was “first” introduced to Zone Therapy. I was not born into it. I did not know about it. I did not believe in it. I probably wouldn’t have even tried it if someone had explained it to me first! I was skeptical, just like you.

I would like to refer to Joe as a Healer, if that doesn’t put you off him. He was more than a therapist. He had a unique gift and in many years since, I have not seen it in any others… well apart from myself, but that’s for other people to judge.  Joe used to practice out of his flat in Cleveland Square, London W2. At the time when I first met him, he was treating Princess Diana several times a week, as well as the Duchess of York and actress Rula Lenska to name a few. He was in high demand with politicians, actors and Royalty. 

Here is where it gets interesting and you get to see what I mean about this amazing man. He had this huge gift, he was brilliant at what he did, he spent time with you, never rushing you or making you feel like you are on a clock, charmed the hell out of you, got to be your friend and healed your most chronic and persistent problems, fast and wait for it… he only charged £7 per session! Isn’t that unbelievable? I mean, this man could have charged hundreds of pounds especially from his rich high profile clients but he charged the same for everyone. A session with the amazing Joseph Corvo would set you back all of seven pounds sterling! 

There I was on my first visit, walking up the stairs of this old Victorian building and reaching Joe’s door. I knocked and a beautiful lady in her forties answered the door. Her name was Victoria and she had a wonderful French accent. She was Joe’s wife. She took me to one of the rooms and sat me on the bed. All was well so far. Lovely flat, charming wife, very relaxing and professional. Then she said: “Take your shoes and socks off. Joseph will be with you shortly!”. 

I can honestly tell you that in that instant, I really thought I had mis-heard. I continued to sit on the bed and firmly kept my shoes and socks on! What on earth was going on? I was there to try and fix my back and this crazy lady was asking me to take my shoes and socks off. It just didn’t make sense.  Joe entered the room a few minutes later. I clearly remember the first time I met Joseph Corvo. He had instant charm and was ultra-friendly. He looked to be in his early sixties, was lean, had solid pec muscles and was clearly hugely more youthful than his actual years; in mind and physical appearance. Of course the first thing he asked was why I “still had my shoes and socks on!”. 

In 1991, Reflexology was something that most people, including myself had not heard of. Zone Therapy was even more obscure. Zone Therapy was what Joe practiced. The idea of working on your feet to fix a problem in your body was just preposterous in 1991 - and to a large extent still today. When Anna told me to go and see Joe, she sounded so confident that I didn't even bother asking any more questions. I just assumed that he was some super-duper ordinary medical doctor. I would never ever in my wildest dreams imagine that he was someone that wanted to work on my feet to fix my back. How ludicrous was that?

As it turned out, it was a turning point in my back pain and my life… as I hope this site will be in your back pain and life.  Joe asked me about the history of my back pain, how it started, what I had done to fix it, how it was during the day, in the mornings, at night and so on. He didn’t actually ask me where my back-ache was, which I found strange but now I know why. He didn’t need to! He could tell in an instant from my feet!  

Joe had this little wooden self-made pointed piece of wood (which I will refer to as a probe from now on) that he used on people’s feet to treat their conditions. He started probing my feet with it. He instinctively knew where to press and told me where my backache was within 30 seconds. He was absolutely correct, it was my lower back, more to the right side and would sometimes go down to my leg. As he started pressing harder on the more tender parts of my feet, the pain on my feet started to become unbearable but I have a relatively high pain threshold so I tried hard not to scream out loud! Besides, I was a body-builder and had to act tough!  Joe worked on my feet for about 20 minutes. He would put his probe on a spot, rotate it, press harder, go to a different area, come back to the painful tender area, press harder and so on. His main concentration was on the painful areas on the lower side of my right foot and I could see that he was sort of teasing the pain out by keep coming back to it and pressing a little harder every time.  I can honestly tell you that the pain he was giving me was probably worse than my back pain. Actually, he wasn’t giving me the pain as such. He was fixing my problem but it was painful. I want to emphasise this point because further down the line you will see that this is not the practitioner giving you pain but more a result of your problem and the practitioner working to alleviate it. Or if I tell you to work on a certain point on your feet after a consultation with me, you need to understand that the pain is part of the process.

In subsequent sessions with Joe, I sometimes would scream out loud. At times, it was just too much no matter how tough I was - or thought I was! I dread to think what his neighbours thought was going on in his flat but I guess they were probably used to it! I can’t imagine that I was the only person that screamed and shouted the place down.  You may ask, why would someone let another person give them so much pain with the “hope” that this may fix their long term back pain? The answer in my mind is a very simple one: because I trusted Joe. From the very first time I met him, I trusted him and this is what I mean when I say he was one of the most interesting, charismatic, knowledgeable and trustworthy individuals I had ever met. For me, there was no doubt that he knew what he was doing and that what he was doing would work for me. The pain was just part of the process and I had to endure it. It’s an old adage but no pain, no gain! 

I want to emphasise this pain part a little bit to you. Over the years, I have worked on many people and the majority of them have a mid to low pain threshold so when the going gets tough on their feet, they just don’t want to have any more treatment or they give up. If there is one thing I have learnt from Joe and Zone Therapy is that the discomfort of the probe working on the tender areas of the feet is a necessary part of the treatment, especially if you want quick and miraculous results. I can easily press lighter and turn the session into a light relaxing massage but that will not fix your health issue in record time and for good. Joe knew this better than anyone.

Don’t get me wrong, if you really can’t take the pain of the probe on your feet, you/your partner/the therapist can press lighter and you will still see results but it will take a little bit longer for your health issue to go - it will still go.   Whether you have a low or high pain threshold, by working on your feet using Zone Therapy and pressing on the tender reflex zones, you will alleviate many health issues. The lighter you press the probe, the longer it will take for it to work.  

Joe was a patient and understanding man. He would explain over and over again that it is important to push the relevant areas as hard as tolerable. The aim here is not to “give pain to the patient”; far from it. The aim is to balance the body out and remove the blockages that are preventing the body from healing. However, this process does involve pressing hard on the relevant areas of the feet and because these areas are problematic and tender to touch, there will be some pain.  As an example, if someone has a back problem on the left side of their body, they will find that pressing on the back reflex zones of the right foot will not cause them as much discomfort and pain as the left side. It will be the corresponding reflex zones of the left foot which will be tender; left side of the back, left foot. Right side, right foot. This is probably one of the best proofs to those skeptical of Zone Therapy! If you have a liver problem, the liver point on your feet touched by the probe will make you scream and jump up!

During that first session, I could see that as Joe was pressing his probe on my foot, he was having to press just slightly harder after a while to get the same level of pain (and screaming!) out of me. This was interesting to me. His probe was getting rid of the pain on my feet. But how about my back?  I went home that day and thought a lot about what had happened in Cleveland Square. Jo, Victoria, their beautiful apartment, the theory of Zone Therapy that Joe explained to me, how he planned to get rid of my back pain, his unbelievable confidence and of course, the pain he managed to inflict on my feet with that silly little wooden probe of his! What pain! 

An unexpected thing happened the day after my first visit to Joe’s apartment. My back pain was visibly reduced. It wasn’t gone, but I would say it was down by 20-30%. I know it sounds amazing and too good to be true but it was a fact.   My next appointment was a week away so I went back to University and got on with my life that week. My back pain continued to stay at this 20-30% lower level during that week. Needless to say, I was very happy and optimistic. Joe had told me not to do any exercises that week apart from sit-ups in a specific way.

Exercise is great for reducing obesity and for reducing inflammation in your back. Exercise as a whole is anti-inflammatory, which is good for back pain.

However whilst you are doing Zone Therapy on your feet to try and reduce inflammation, to open up the meridians and alleviate your back pain, it is a good idea not to exercise if your problem is muscular. Over-exercising has been shown to increase inflammation in the body.

I was heavily into bodybuilding in those days and had a decent set of shoulders and arms. On my next visit to Joe’s apartment, he complimented me on my shoulders! I told him I was bodybuilding and that’s when I saw a different side to Joe. He was very much into physical culture and had known the great Charles Atlas, one of the early pioneers of mainstream bodybuilding. Joe and I started talking about Charles, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steve Reeves and all the bodybuilding greats. Joe had known many of them and knew so much about bodybuilding, which was my big passion at the time.  It is fair to say that Joe and I hit it off and liked talking to each other. Later he would show me exercises I could do at home with no weights which would increase the size of my arms, chest and shoulders. He was a great mentor in so many ways and was always so happy and positive. You just don’t see people like him very often.   Joe worked on my feet again with his probe and yes, the pain was unbearable again - at times! He would break the session by talking about weight training, keeping fit & strong and would show me more home exercises he recommended for keeping a strong and lean body.  

Joe could see that I was very interested and curious about what he was doing so he started explaining it in more detail. He would tell me how he  became interested in Zone Therapy, what his particular technique is and why it worked and would show me why his technique was super-effective. He also said that many people that he worked on did believe him to be a healer because of the way he was able to rid them of their ailments. He never said he himself thought he was a healer. Others did!  I am very sure that Joe did not think much of Reflexology, which he would see as slightly inferior to his Zone Therapy method and his probe. He never said this as such but it was clear that to him, only his Zone Therapy and use of the probe gave incredible results. The pressure and precision of the probe was much more powerful than the weak fingers of Reflexologists, but more later.  

Joe worked on and treated many different conditions successfully using the same probe and the same Zone Therapy methods. I have of course worked on and treated many people using Zone Therapy over the years from sinus congestion, to intestinal problems, migraines to more serious conditions. 

I am qualified in Reflexology and love Reflexology and think it is amazing and very powerful. However, Zone Therapy and in particular, my Zonal Probing method is far more superior and effective, especially for certain chronic conditions. I would say this method next to Reflexology for back pain for example is like comparing a Ferrari to a Ford. Zonal Probing is the top of the range when it comes to fixing problems within the body through the feet. 

The following day after my second session with Joe, I had even less back pain. That horrible, numbing early morning back pain that I used to get upon waking up was now down by around 40-50% and it stayed like that for the rest of the week.  I saw Joe for a number of weeks. In actual fact, my back pain was totally gone after about the 4th session. By this time he was pressing his probe very hard into my foot and the pain and screaming had subsided substantially!  

I continued to see Joe because firstly I wanted my back pain to never return again, so didn’t consider a few more £7 sessions a big dent in my finances. However, more than anything, I wanted to talk some more to Joe and learn from him. This yearning for knowledge from him was more so, seeing that he and I got on and he was very willing to impart his methods and knowledge to me.  

I am not sure whether he conversed and spent so much time with others as I have not been party to all his sessions! All I can tell you is that our bond of bodybuilding and my extreme and obvious interest in exactly what he was doing, enthused Joe to teach me more about what he knew. This teaching was not in the form of a classroom. He would teach me as he went along working on my feet and would answer all my questions. One of the most important things that eventually came out of our sessions was my own wooden probe.

After a few sessions, I could see that a big part of Joe’s method was his wooden probe. One day I decided to chop off the end of a wooden broom handle and try and shape it as close as possible to what Joe was using to treat people. I took my work of art to him and he was very impressed with my efforts and showed me how to perfect the end to get the best results. Joe must have used his own probe on thousands of feet over the years. I too have now had my probe, shaped by the world famous Joseph Corvo for many years and still continue to use it on people who I occasionally treat.   I believe Joe’s probe had become an extension of him and I can say the same for my probe too! Using it over so many years, I can feel people’s problems through the probe. Please don’t read this and think I am giving you some sort of superstitious talk as I am far from superstitious. I am just letting you know that this uniquely shaped wooden probe can let me know of problems as good as if I were to put my fingers on a certain zone of the foot - if not better in some instances, where the fingers cannot get into. 

I went on to buy all of Joe’s books over the years and kept in touch with him occasionally in those early years. One of my life’s regrets is that I didn’t keep in touch with him more often. This is especially so when I heard that he had passed away peacefully in his sleep in 2012. It would be just like Joe to pass of natural causes and not through any form of major disease. RIP Joseph Corvo, one of the most amazing people that walked this earth.  

What I took away from my encounters with Joseph Corvo was not just the “method” he used or the probe he sculpted for me but was something far more powerful and useful; it was the “way” he conducted himself and that amazing confidence and trust he instilled in you. If you meet me in person and especially when I talk about Zone Therapy, you will see what I mean.  

When you are young and inexperienced in many things in life, it is not easy to be confident about big subjects such as treating people’s chronic problems. However, my life changed following my meetings with Joe and I became extremely confident in Zone Therapy. I was not qualified in it, but I felt more qualified than most professionals (not that there were or are any major Zone Therapists in the world!) because I had learnt from the master and not only had I been shown the methods, I had personally experienced the healing powers of Zone Therapy through the healing hands (and probe) of the best out there.

My back pain was gone, I had (and have) knowledge that pretty much no one else had and a whole new door had opened for me, leading me to where I am today. Joseph Corvo cured my back pain. He didn’t relieve it, help it or reduce it. He cured it, period. It never came back again. Sometimes I may get a little bit of a problem if I lift heavy or sleep wrong and I know exactly how to fix it in a few minutes. I say this because nothing is fixed forever if you start doing the wrong things. If you don't do any movement or exercise, sleep on a bad bed, develop a huge belly, lift heavy, bend down too fast or do something that’s not good for your back, then obviously you may get a back-ache! I cannot guarantee against future negligence, bad luck or accidents! 

Zone Therapy only fixes things up to the point of fixing them and ensures that they don’t return as long as you stick to some basic principles. 

I was grateful to Anna for recommending Joe and of course felt extremely happy that my back pain was gone. Looking back, maybe I should have been even more grateful than I was. I guess I was young and didn’t realise that something like that horrible back problem could have become a lifelong debilitating thing, had it gone on. I have met and worked on so many people whose lives have been terribly affected by back pain. I didn’t see Anna after our law degree course but always remembered her and her eccentric ways! 

Even though I was not qualified as a Zone Therapist, I decided to put some adverts in the local papers and start treating people’s back pain using my probe and what I had learnt from Joe. Looking back, it was a brave move. Here was this young guy (me!), showing up at your house with his wooden probe, no insurance, no formal qualifications in Reflexology or Zone Therapy and he would go on and fix your back pain! I was good at it and started to get recommendations from people. It was not easy though. Reflexology (or Zone Therapy) was pretty much unheard of and not known in the public psyche. I had a very hard time convincing people of my methods and was always on the back foot (pardon the pun!), especially in those early days.

Sometimes it almost felt like I had to pay “them” for the privilege of them letting me fix their problem with my unconventional ways! Everyone was so skeptical and you know what was the worst thing of it all? They would get well, their back pain would subside or disappear but they almost always would say that they weren’t sure it was the Zone Therapy. This was very annoying.  People are funny; they forget so easily. Here I was, treating someone that had had a chronic back problem for say 10 years and after a few sessions and them seeing great results, they would say that the problem would have gone away anyway or that they weren’t sure it was due to my treatment! 

This, I now know is no reflection on my methods or success. It is just the human condition. When we get well, we forget how unwell we were! We are also programmed to have great respect for traditional medicine, doctors and pills but very little appreciation and respect for natural, non invasive methods.  I used to get frustrated by this but then I guess it didn’t really matter. I was getting paid relatively good money for those days, £30-£40 for 30 minutes and gaining a great deal of experience. I was very outgoing and totally passionate about my healing powers and Zone Therapy method and knowledge and would pretty much work on anyone and everyone.  

My party trick was to get a hold of people’s hands and tell them what was wrong with their body by just touching their hands. This is because the reflex zones for your body parts and organs are not only on your feet but on the hands too. People loved it - many were freaked out by it! Many would not admit to it if I was doing it in public and it was some problem such as constipation but would later admit to it in private with great amazement.

I remember once I told a guy in Nicosia, Cyprus that I could not feel his right kidney (from his hands) and to his (and my) astonishment, he told me that’s because he doesn’t have a right kidney! I should have had my own TV show!  Over the years, I have worked on many people including several who had had such bad back problems that they had resorted to surgery. None of their back problems had been relieved from surgery permanently, so there I was fixing their backs from their feet in record time. It was unbelievable really. A young guy, with no formal qualifications was doing something that surgeons with many years of training could not do.

I am not claiming to be some form of guru by the way. I just learnt the correct Zone Therapy method very well from the master Joseph Corvo and had a knack for applying it well and beyond that, I was enthusiastic and didn’t believe in the word no - a word that I still don’t believe in! 

I carried on with my legal studies and went on to work as a lawyer for a while. Zone Therapy was never going to be a career for me. It was always on the side-lines and it sure helped make life easier for me on the financial and life experience side. I was being recommended to different people following my early success and soon I didn’t have to advertise any more. I was meeting so many interesting people. I can’t say that I wanted a life of working on people’s feet and hands but I did find the holistic medicine thing very fascinating and would always try and up my knowledge on it.   People who know me, will tell you that I am obsessed with all things to do with the body, Reflexology, Zone Therapy, nutrition, supplements, health, fitness and exercise. I was back then, and still am 30 years on… 

How I became qualified as a Reflexologist 

Although I knew my destiny was not to work on people’s feet all my life, I felt that I needed to be formally qualified in what was now a big part of my life. I was going out there, treating serious conditions with no qualifications. It was all getting a little too out of hand!  One time I managed to get a paralysed person’s feet moving. It was scary for the relatives, the doctors and even for me! It was time to get qualified. 

Joseph Corvo didn’t offer any official training and to be honest, I felt I had learnt all I needed to learn from him. I was actually perfecting what he had shown me and getting even quicker results. There was no one teaching Zone Therapy and I really believed no one could teach me more than what I knew already. The only option was to become qualified in Reflexology. I researched many schools and eventually decided to go to the Crane School of Reflexology.  

The principal was a most wonderful woman called Beryl Crane. She used to hold her classes with the help of her ever-present fully supportive husband Reg, who I am sad to say has since passed away.  Beryl Crane was extremely knowledgeable and her school was probably the best Reflexology school in the UK at the time. She was the president of the biggest Reflexology Society and would regularly travel and speak in places like China. She went on to pen several Reflexology books including what is probably the definitive manual for Reflexology which is taught in most Reflexology schools.   

I liked Beryl a lot. She was very professional, very kind and was a great teacher. Her school was in Regents Park, a beautiful part of London. I remember, as knowledgeable as she was, even she was very interested in what I had learnt from Joseph Corvo! I didn’t mind sharing what I knew of Joe’s methods with her. I think I even arranged for her to see Joe once but don’t recall what came of it. 

I gained some of the highest grades in Reflexology and qualified in Reflexology, Reflex Zone Therapy and anatomy and physiology. To me, these qualifications were icing on a cake that I had already well and truly cooked and was very happy with! It was great to be officially qualified as a Reflexologist but if I was to be honest, I would  always revert back to Zone Therapy in practice (and still do). I always had my probe with me! It was just so much more powerful and effective than Reflexology and would give such quick results. I didn’t know it at the time but I was developing my own technique.  If I had been smart, I should have done Reflexology on people. It would take longer to produce results, thus giving a better more long term income to me! But I was and have always been too impatient. I want results fast and wanted the same for my clients.  

I knew that my own method of Zone Therapy with my wooden probe would produce results way over and above Reflexology, especially with certain ailments such as back and shoulder pain. I was seeing it work amazingly fast on a daily basis. I continued to practice on people in different countries, in some Expos such as the Olympia in London, as a special guest and wrote many articles on the subject. I was never in the mainstream as such because I never saw myself as a full time Reflexologist or Zone Therapist. It was always more a passionate hobby for me rather than a career. However I was in demand! 

Having qualified as a Reflexologist and subsequently as a lawyer, I decided that these professions were not for me and that they would never give me the lifestyle I was destined to have! I would practice on people but only when I had time.  I left law in 1997. I was still very passionate about the body, fitness and bodybuilding and started my own company called LA Muscle shortly after, with £5000 savings which I had earned from my Zone Therapy practice.  

I don’t want to go on too much about my business and entrepreneurial life as it is really not that relevant for this site, however I do need to mention that LA Muscle and my subsequent other ventures such as The Active Channel and many property deals went on to make me a great deal of money. I have been very fortunate and have had great success in business and luckily continue to do so.  My business and financial success is public record so you can check it out for yourself, though I am a private person and tend to be a little bit more low key than I probably should be! Why I am telling you this is because I want you to understand that the reason why I have started this website you is not financial.

It is because it has been something that has been on my mind and I have been meaning to do for many years. After my training in various Zone Therapy and Reflexology disciplines, I went on to have quite a successful few years as a Zone Therapist. As an inquisitive and observant person, I started to note down what parts of Zone Therapy work well and what parts need tweaking. I would note down what Reflex Zones were most effective for certain conditions.  Over the years, I started perfecting my own technique which I termed Zonal Probing. I went on to use Zonal Probing on many people and found that by accessing specific points, they would heal and get better faster. I termed these zones “Rapid Relief Reflex Zones” (or Rapid Relief Zones). These were different to those recommended by Reflexologists and Zone Therapists.  The results from Zonal Probing on specific Rapid Relief Zones are incredible. 

I believe no one in the world has my technique and knowledge. I am always torn between practising full time as a Zone Therapist, seeing clients in person and healing people or carrying on with my very successful other businesses. It is a big dilemma. As a business mentor, I earn upwards of £3000 an hour. As a Zone Therapist, I charge £200. This is why I have never concentrated fully on Zone Therapy, however what I have learnt from Joseph Corvo and perfected over 30 years can truly help you. If you want to experience it yourself, book an online virtual appointment through this website and let's get you healthier.