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General Health advice by Parham Donyai PROVEN to have worked over the years:
Quick relief in terms of Reflexology is to slightly lift off the nail on the little finger of the affecting side until the ringing stops. This helps 90% of people however if you have more long-term Tinnitus then you need more help.
• Tinnitus can very often come from the neck/ traps region. Regular massage helps.
• Vitamin B12 daily is great.
Mouth ulcers can be complicated especially if you get recurring ones. Stress is an obvious trigger, so you need to keep stress down.
• Take Vitamin B2
• Avoid intense citrus things especially these new-age gummies and sweets with tangy flavours
• Avoid spices
• Look at your lifestyle and see what you are putting in your mouth and think about changing/ getting rid of it. Such as a particular brand of toothpaste, fizzy drinks, hot drinks, mouthwash etc
Ectopic or irregular heartbeats are becoming more and more common. Some quick solutions which will help the majority of people sufffering with this:
- Start taking a Magnesium + Taurine supplement.
- Immediately cut all caffeine. This includes but is not limited to: Tea, coffee, chocolate, energy drinks, cocoa.
- Start taking D-Ribose as a supplement.
- STOP taking any Vitamin D supplements.
I was working with a client recently to help boost their business. He was coming across strange!
In the mornings, he was groggy, tired, unresponsive and always complained of a headache. It’s hard to concentrate on the juicy stuff and get people motivated when they seem half asleep.
After a lot of digging, we discovered he is suffering from sleep apnea. Basically, he was not sleeping properly most of the night and was waking up tired and lacking motivation. Sleep apnea is a nightmare. You basically forget to breathe and catch yourself not breathing and then you suddenly remember to breathe! Some people can do this hundreds of times a night! And many people don’t even know they are suffering from sleep apnea!
One of the signs is a slight headache upon waking up, the other is tiredness even though you have (seemingly) had a full night’s sleep.
The doctor’s cure for his sleep apnea was some crazy oxygen device! He didn’t want that.
Look, if you have sleep apnea, you need to see a doctor. Personally, I avoid doctors so we tried to find some natural solutions for his sleep apnea and they worked. Here I will share them with you.
1. Vitamin B1
People who suffer from sleep apnea are often deficient in vitamin B1. Get yourself a Vitamin B1 supplement ASAP!
2. Strengthen your tongue
Yes, your tongue is getting tired and getting in the way of your breathing at night! You need to get working on your tongue and get it strong, so it doesn’t obstruct your airways at night. There are plenty of tongue exercises on YouTube. You will stick your tongue out to the front, down, up and sides for several seconds. You can also push against a spoon with your tongue and hold for 20 seconds.
3. Learn to keep your mouth shut!
Another one is to train your mouth and jaw areas to get stronger and remain shut. Again, Youtube has exercises, such as holding a spoon in your mouth for 20 seconds and then longer as you build strength - even putting a small object on it.
4. Get rid of excess phlegm
Try and reduce your dairy and wheat intake to clear your sinuses a bit.
5. Sinus clearance massages
You can massage several areas of your face, such as just under your eyes and on the sides of the nose to clear the sinuses.
6. Sleep positions
Try and sleep to the side and ideally on your left side; this will help with sleep apnea, clearing passages and even digestion. Also get a decent pillow, not too soft and not too hard, not too high and not too low.
7. Don’t eat late
Eating late is a big no-no when you have sleep apnea. Make sure your last meal is 3-4 hours before sleep and then just drink water to keep hydrated.
8. Stay away from alcohol
Alcohol and excess caffeine are also big no-nos when it comes to sleep apnea. This particular mentoring client of mine was a big alcohol drinker.
9. Lose weight NOW
Being overweight and in particular having a chin and belly are very much contributing factors to sleep apnea. You need to lose weight NOW. My client wasn’t particularly fat but he did have a double chin and a belly. I put him on Fat Stripper Intense and Fat Stripper Pro Burn ASAP.
10. Stop snoring
Snoring is often a precursor to developing sleep apnea. You need to keep an eye on it by doing the above. You can also get some of the various snoring devices you can get from Amazon or pharmacies such as nose vents which will help you breathe better and can help sleep apnea.
11. Stress and anxiety
Stress and anxiety are also big causes of sleep apnea, so if you are anxious or stressed, you need to get on top of your stress levels. You may need to learn detachment, meditation and maybe try some yoga.
12. Neck/Spinal issues
Worth noting that if you have neck or upper back pain or issues, this may affect your nerves and breathing, so it is well worth trying to fix any neck problems.
Any sort of parasympathetic nerve problems whether from the neck or from vitamin deficiency (B1) should be addressed.
13. Pay attention to hydration/dryness
Hydrating your body is important, so drink plenty of water. On the subject of hydration and dryness, it is also worth noting that the air in your room should not be dry. You may find your sleep apnea worse in the winter, possibly because of the extra heating/radiators which don't help with air in your room. Try and reduce the heat, open windows and maybe invest in a humidifier.
14. Buy some anti-snoring aids
You can buy anti snoring sprays that go into your nose and down your throat at nights or ones that you can spray in your throat. Some have clinical evidence that they tighten the throat muscles and hydrate the back of your throat meaning easier breathing at nights. For a few pounds, they are definitely worthy trying.
15. Vitamin D
As good as it is and as much as it is recommended for many people, Vitamin D can IMMEDIATELY and DIRECTLY cause Sleep apnea!
I hope the above help you as much as they did my client. The point is that sleep apnea is a real problem and affects millions of people worldwide. It can affect every aspect of your life from resting to immune function, fat burning, muscle building and mood. It can also affect your partner if you snore or you keep waking up. The very best of luck to you in conquering sleep apnea.
For more help and if you want me to address your specific problem in a more personal way, please book an online appointment here.
Foot pain is a big general topic and will need to be addressed more specifically. However as a general rule, the below can help:
- Reduce all sugars immediately as they are inflammatory.
- Stop red meat immediately.
- Pay attention to your shoes. What you wear directly affects your feet. If you are getting older, you may need different type of shoes.
- Raise your feet above your hip regularly. So if you are sitting, raise them up.
Obviously erectile dysfunction is a medical condition and if you have it, you need to refer to your doctor. However, the following can be a very quick fix for many people:
- Include avocado, avocado oil, walnuts, raw onions and figs in your diet. You can make a salad with all of them and include watermelon and olive oil.
- 1 teaspoonful of olive oild 1-3 times a day.
- 50mg of Zinc daily.
- Drink watermelon juice or eat watermelons 1-3 times a day.
- Take Vitamin E daily.
Like most health conditions, there is no one thing fixes all. However, you can try the below:
- Hydration is important. Drink water.
- Obviously in this day and age, sitting behind a computer or constantly being on gadgets without blinking is a BIG cause of dry eyes. Take breaks and remember to blink.
- Check to make sure you don't have Blepharitis on your eyes. If so, it needs to be addressed by an optiocian. You can try tea-tree wipes, hot water compresses.
- Pay attention to what you are putting around your eyes such as makeup or creams on your face around your eyes, For example, retinol creams put on the face in the area of the eyes can dry your eyes!
Anger is a terrible thing. It shortens your life and affects your entire body in more ways than you can imagine - all negative! There are many things you can do to reduce anger. Here are some quick ones I have found to work:
- Reduce or stop red meats for a while. In fact all meats if you can. You are eating the anger of the animal (sorry, and I am not a vegetarian by the way!).
- Anger comes from the liver, so taking liver detoxifiers can certainly help: Milk Thistle and/or Burdock.
- Take Bach Rescue Remedy periodically during the day ideally before getting angry - available from any health store.
- Practice deep breathing regularly - Count to seven for the inbreath, count to eleven for the outbreath.
- Make sure you have enough sleep - seriously! At least 8 hours. Sleep does wonders for angry people!
There's a lot more to anger obviously such as psychological things, diet, lifestyle, work, stress, thoughts, genes etc If you are finding yourself seriously angry and stressed all the time, then we need to look at this extensively and find a proper long-term solution. You can book an online virtual consultation here.
From me experience, Urticaria for the most part is caused by "something" you are eating or are in contact with. It can be very personal to you and can be very difficult to identify. You need to keep a diary of when the eruptions occur.
Some culprits are (but can be ANYthing):
- Nuts
- Caffeine
- Eggs
- Plastic (yes!)
- Cleaning materials
Hair hygeine is obviously a big part of not having dandruff. However the below are some of the culprits. It can be all or one of these or a whole load more things but the below addresses a big proportion of dandruff cases:
- Sugar. Cut down/ out sugar from your diet.
- Wheat. Cut our wheat such as bread and pasta from your diet for a while.
- Shampoos with SLS are a big cause of dandruff. Replace with a zinc pyrithione shampoo. 1-2% zinc. You can add 1/2 drops of tea-tree to the shampoo every time you wash.
- Coconut oil on the scalp for an hour or two before bathing.
This is a tough one! So many creams, serums and potions. No one really has the answer for this even if they claim.
You can do the following for noticeable results:
- Brightening creams with Retinol but be careful and not do too much
- Vitamin C serum on the face
- Vitamin E day and night
- Internally take Glutathione 500-2000mg daily, Zinc 50mg daily and Selenium
- Use sunscreen regularly
This is a complex psychological issue resulting from some form of earlier trauma with vomiting. It affects more women than men. The general treatment is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and/or hypnosis.
One area of the foot which Reflexology in particular can help with is the solar plexus. My general advice for this problem is to do hypnosis. Get in touch if you need help with this.