FAQs on Reflexology

Which foot/ hand do I work on?

This depends on the problem. If it is an area of the body or organ which has a left or right, then you work on the side that is causing you the issue. So if you have left shoulder pain, you work on your left foot. 
If you have issues with an organ which is mapped on both feet, such as the kidneys, then you work on both feet, even if this is a single organ such as the Pituitary. 

How long should I work on a point on my feet?

As a general rule, you should massage the relevant areas for 10-20 minutes once or twice a day, pressing harder as you work. 

Will my problem get worse by working on my feet?

As a general rule, not it will not. However some specific problems may get worse. For example if you have skin issues, then working on your various organs will stimulate them to get rid of more toxins and for a while, your problem may get worse. 

Does Reflexology have side effects?

No it does not. You may feel sleepy or drowsy if someone else is working on your feet. 

What is the difference between Reflexology and Zone Therapy?

Reflexology his where you work on your relevant Reflex points of the feet, hands and ears using your fingers. Zone Therapy is where you work on the relevant points of the hands and feet using a specific wooden probe in a specific circular motion. You will press harder and you will feel more tenderness using Zone Therapy but the results are far more superior and more rapid than Reflexology. 

Some people are not able to take the pain of Zone Therapy on the feet and so for these sensitive individuals, Reflexology is a better way to go. 

What problems is Reflexology used to treat?

Pretty much anything that is wrong with your body. Obviously if you have something very serious like advanced level cancers, then you will need traditional medicine to immediately help you. 
However, Reflexology is extremely useful for helping with early problems (that you may not even be aware of), circulation problems, stress, hormonal, intestinal, respiratory, reproductive, muscular, skeletal or any other issues with the body. 

Reflexology does not see the body as a single-problem thing. It sees your body as a whole and treats it as a whole. One part often affects another and so with Reflexology, you will need to address the whole body. 

You may be too stressed, so the natural place to go and work on may be the Sole Plexus Reflex point on the foot, however you may also need work on the master gland Pituitary or the Adrenals which may be carrying the stress of the body. 

What are the benefits of Reflexology?

At a minimum, Reflexology can relax and de-stress you. It can also help with nerve problems, brain issues, circulation issues (blood or lymphatic), removal of toxins, breathing and respiratory issues, digestive issues of all sorts, headaches, women’s issues, neck and back pain, shoulder problems and pretty much anything that is wrong with your body. 

Who is not suitable for Reflexology?

If you have major feet issues, it may not be possible to work on your feet, such as active gout, osteoarthritis, fractures or wounds. It is however possible to work on your hands. 

Can a Reflexologist really tell what is wrong with you from your feet and hands?

Yes depending on their skill and experience, much like how a Chinese alternative doctor can tell you what is wrong with you from your Chinese pulse. Reflexology is surprisingly accurate at finding out what is going on within your body. 

It may be more difficult to tell you if the problem is chronic or acute. For example a Reflexologist can tell you that there is something not right with your digestive system, but they may not be able to tell you how long you have had the issue for. 

More experienced Reflexologists can more accurately pin-point problems from your feet because they can distinguish between a little tenderness in Reflex points to long-term deposited granules at those Reflex points. 

Is foot Reflexology better than hand Reflexology?

Yes for sure, foot Reflexology is much more effective. However, some problems are better accessed and helped through the hands, depending on the problem. Hands are often quicker to access so you can work on the much more often. 

What should I do after a Reflexology session?

Always drink a full glass of water. 


Can I stop seeing my doctor if I am seeing you or another Reflexologist?

No. Reflexology is complimentary to whatever your doctor has suggested for you. Under no circumstances should you consider Reflexology as a replacement for traditional medicine. Of course, many people who benefit from Reflexology or Zone Therapy make up their own mind about what they want to do and that is up to them. As a professional entity, we cannot advise you to abandon traditional medicine which is often good for acute problems. Once you see the benefits of Reflexology and Zone Therapy, you will be in a better position to make a more informed decision. 

Why do Reflexology charts differ in where they place the organs on the feet? 

This is the million dollar question and what separates the normal Reflexologists with those who truly know their art! The fact is that Reflexology is not an exact science and the map of the feet can wildly differ depending on who you speak to. 

Parham Donyai uses the Zone Therapy map of the feet as used by Joseph Corvo, the world's number 1 Zone Therapist and healer to Princess Diana as well as other members of the British Royal family. Parham is also aware of many of the other various Reflexology charts and utilises knowledge from them as and when needed.

Some of the greatest discrepancies are also found in face Reflexology charts. Again, Parham is well-versed in the charts of face Zone Therapy which are the quickest way to health.  

Can I do Reflexology on a child or infant?

Yes you can! In fact, this is the most natural way of healing for children for many conditions. However do bear in mind to do very little, do not press hard and see how it goes before doing another session. Children usually respond very well and very fast to Reflexology treatment. Work on the relevant feet or hands for 2-3 minutes and observe over the next day or so how it worked. Then you can do more if needed.