About Reflexology.co.uk
Welcome to a health portal that actually gives you better health!
Reflexology.co.uk is the brainchild of Parham Donyai, a highly qualified complimentary medicine practitioner with over 30 years experience. Read more about Parham.
Doctors cannot cure chronic conditions because most chronic conditions are as a result of lifestyle and diet, an area doctors are not trained in. Drugs for the most part only mask or reduce the symptoms of a disease and do not eradicate it. High blood pressure medicine does not "cure" high blood pressure. Exercise, fat and salt reduction, supplements such as Vitamin D and dietary changes can truly cure it.
Obviously for acute conditions, drugs like antibiotics can give quick results and for many people, drugs are a necessary part of their well-being.
Most other alternative sites put together "lots" of "possible" natural treatments that may or may not work for you.
Reflexology.co.uk gives you several options for your ailments. You can search the comprehensive and growing Quick Remedies section for free. You can purchase one of the books if it is related to your condition or one of the manuals which have been specifically written to give you the most accurate natural remedy for your specific ailment; natural remedies that have been proven to work over thousands of years.
In addition, you can book a remote appointment to speak to Parham for a full consultation, where he will listen to you and try and figure out a natural way to heal and help your condition. Where necessary, he may refer you to one of his colleagues if he feels your condition may benefit more from another form of complimentary medicine.
There is usually one particular remedy for most diseases. Think of Scurvy for example. Many ancient doctors tried to cure it with no avail. It was only with the introduction of vitamin C in the diet of those afflicted that the "cure" was found.
Reflexology.co.uk's manuals give you that "vitamin c" moment for many ailments. In addition, the manuals and books on this website contain dietary, lifestyle changes as well as supplements and herbs that can help you. To top it all, you will be given exact Reflexology points on your feet, hands or other body parts to work on, enabling your body to heal better and faster and do what nature intended.
Your own body is the world's most sophisticated and effective pharmacy and can produce pretty much any drug and heal almost any disease if the right environment is facilitated.