Reflexology by Parham Donyai

This site is the brainchild of 30 years qualified Reflexologist and one of the world's top Zone Therapists, Parham Donyai. If you have a health issue that has not been resolved and you need help with, you can search for a solution on this site or book an online appointment with Parham from one of the very limited spots available.

You can read more about Parham Donyai here or read more about this website here.

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  • "By the time it was over, I was a new person. The pain completely went. I couldn't thank him enough."

    Daily Mail Article 
  • "I would strongly recommend alternative treatments to anyone who has been let down by conventional treatment. It totally worked for me and if it worked on me it can work on anyone."

    Daily Star Article 
  • 5 Star Reviews on Amazon

    Several of Parham's books on Amazon have 5 star reviews.